We all like to think that if something happened to someone and it was our fault we would be able to deal with it amicably or have an insurance company to protect us. Whilst motor insurance is compulsory for all drivers behind the wheel of a car, it is not always compulsory in other areas of our life and business.
Sometimes we don’t even realise we need an insurance policy, but what happens if you’re out walking your dog and the dog bites someone, or gets off the lead and runs out into the road in front of a car and causes the car to swerve and crash? Sometimes we are so busy setting up a new business that details can be overlooked, and what happens if someone comes into our business premises and slips before you’ve arranged public liability insurance? What happens if a plot of land you own, but haven’t decided what to do with it is used lawfully by people to access neighbouring land and they tripped over a pathway, or the tenant in the house you rent has an accident because you didn’t mend a faulty carpet?
In all these situations we could find ourselves facing potential claims against us for personal injury.
Situations like this can be daunting, especially if you have no insurance company to turn to, with the prospect of having to find money to deal with a claim and if you believe that there is no claim, to defend it.
Defending against a person injury lawsuit
Here at Garratts we have specialist solicitors who can guide you through the process when a claim is made against you and you either have no choice but to deal with it yourself or don’t want to use your insurance. We have experience in:
- Providing advice on the merits and strengths of the claim against you and the prospect and risks associated of you defending the claim.
- Providing practical advice on settling claims where you are at fault
- Dealing with all the administration associated with the claim, such as registering the claim with the Department for Work and Pensions.
- Taking the case to a final hearing where you have sufficient evidence to defend it
You can expect to receive clear and concise advice and information about how claims are dealt with, an assessment of the legal merits of your case and an idea of the likely costs and potential rewards from the outset.
Construction Dispute Advice you need at a Fixed Cost
Your first consultation will be offered under our Fixed Fee Interview Scheme.
This is a cost-effective way of obtaining legal advice in a face to face – one to one appointment at one of our offices to suit you. Please see our Spotlight on Fixed Fees for General Litigation for more information about how this scheme can help you.
You can then choose whether to deal with your case yourself, perhaps with additional advice from us on our Pay As You Go Scheme as and when you need it or under our standard retainer scheme if you prefer to instruct us to represent you.
You may have legal expenses insurance cover provided as an add-on or inclusion in a home or motor insurance policy. We would be happy to look at your policy to check whether or not this is available to cover the costs of our retainer services if you are unsure.