Personal Legal Services

Taxi Law

Our specialist team of Solicitors give expert advice on all aspects of Taxi law.

We have a specialist team of solicitors who have been advising clients on Taxi Law for over 15 years. We have represented Taxi Drivers and Taxi Owners, whose licences have been affected as either holders of a  Hackney Carriage Drivers Licence, Private Hire Drivers Licence and Operators Licence. We advise on all aspect of Taxi Licensing from the moment you apply for a Taxi Licence to the Local Authority, right through to appealing it at Court, if a Licence is refused or revoked.

We offer representation to our clients when they are going to be interviewed under caution by the Licensing officer, or when they are to appear before the Local Authority Licensing Committee to consider whether to grant or revoke a licence. We also represent clients at appeals hearing at the Magistrates Court and the Crown Court.

We work with a team of Barristers who specialise in Taxi Law and we instruct them when a case goes to Crown Court or High Court.


We have represented Taxi Drivers all over the UK and have appeared before Local Authority and Courts nationwide.

Please remember that a Taxi Drivers Licence or Operators Licence may be not be granted or revoked if the Local Authority consider that you are not a ‘Fit and Proper person’ to hold a licence.

This may be considered if you have previous conviction or charged with serious offences involving sexual offences, violence, fraud, theft or any other reasonable cause.         

If you are due to appear before a Local Authority Licencing Officer for an interview under Caution or you are due to appear before a Local Authority Taxi Committee to consider whether to grant or revoke your licence, it is important that you take legal advice. If you do not take advice, there maybe implication which may result in you losing your licence and your livelihood.

We are more than happy to represent to you and help you in your case. We offer a fixed fee for representing you at the Committee hearing, Magistrates Court and at the Crown Court.


Ring us on 0161 344 2244 to speak to a qualified Solicitor about your case.


Personal Injury
Mental Health Review Accreditation
Children Law
Criminal Defence Service