Personal Injury Success Story - Trampoline Accident

Personal Injury Success Story - Trampoline Accident

Miss S was sent on a trampoline course by her employer to provide training for her job as Residential Support Worker for the Deaf.

She worked as part of a team to provide activities and personal care to autistic children on a one to one basis. She was one of 13 staff members to attend the course which was run by a local Gymnastics Centre. There was one person leading the course and the client was not aware of any risk assessment being carried out before-hand.

The client and her colleagues were told about the importance of warming up but no specific exercises were given. They were also shown how to set up and put away the trampolines. Some straight-forward initial jumps were shown and the client and her colleagues carried them out.

The exercises progressed in difficulty and it was during one such exercise that the client's kneecap twisted out of the place pulling and straining the ligament. Following investigation at the local hospital she was diagnosed with damage to the cruciate ligament.

Surgery was required and although the surgery went well there was substantial muscle wastage due to the fact that the client had been barely mobile since the accident. The client's absence from work and immobility caused substantial impact on both her personal life and her career.

Proceedings were issued against the Gymnastics Centre as a result of their failure to provide safe and proper training and a safe environment and compensation for Miss S was obtained in the sum of £25,000.

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