Injured man recovers £50,000 in Compensation

Injured man recovers £50,000 in Compensation

The Personal Injury team have successfully recovered £50,000 for a man who suffered multiple injuries following a road traffic collision.

The Defendant, who was convicted for the offence of driving without due care and attention, lost control of his vehicle and came into high-speed, head-on collision with the claimant's car.

The claimant suffered multiple soft tissue injuries, affecting his back/chest/abdomen/groin/ neck and shoulders. In addition, he suffered from psychological symptoms and became anxious and timid, and prone to nightmares and intrusive thoughts. His relationship with his wife deteriorated and he suffered from reduced powers of concentration and memory.

The lump sum recovered by Garratts enabled him to begin a new life away from the area.

Read more about our traffic accident personal injury services.

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