Oldham Law Association hosts visit from the Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Kashmir

Oldham Law Association  hosts visit from the Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Kashmir

Former Chief Justice Mohammad Azam Khan retired in February 2017 having held office for 6 years. Since then he has visited America and is now in the UK before returning to Kashmir at the end of the month. His audience were captivated by a very interesting speech about the history of Kashmir, which of course is very topical at the moment, and he also provided some insight into the judicial system of the region.

After the speeches a dinner was held and Mr Khan was presented with a plaque from the OLA to mark the occasion.

Vice President Frances Greenhalgh said  "The OLA has strong links to the local Kashmir community and it was an honour and privilege to welcome Mr Khan to our town. His speech was fascinating and it was such a privilege to be part of this unique event"

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