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Solicitors' firms are now required to carry out an annual diversity survey for their firm, submit the responses to the Solicitors Regulation Authority, and publish the data. Completion by personnel of the survey is not compulsory, and the data regarding religion and sexual orientation is excluded from the publication requirement. Also, publication of the data has to be in a form such that individuals cannot be identified. We asked our firm to complete diversity questionnaires in May 2019. The figures given relate to the information disclosed in questionnaires received.

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Mr G was diagnosed with a Hydrocele which was a swelling around his testicle. Mr G underwent an operation to remove the Hydrocele. Unfortunately, the testicle became infarcted which meant there was obstruction of the blood supply to the testicle causing the death of the tissue (infarction). Mr G repeatedly attended Outpatient appointments advising the Consultants that he was still in a great deal of pain but was always told that everything was fine and that this was simply part of the healing process.

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Mrs W began experiencing problems with her face including slurred speech, sagging of the face, Tinnitus in her ear and regular nose bleeds. The GP referred Mrs W to various departments at the hospital for further investigations. She did not receive the correct advice and treatment. Mrs W was suffering from a Nasopharyngeal Tumour, however, this was not diagnosed until some eleven months later. The delay resulted in significant tumour progression and also increased the negative symptoms which Mrs W still suffers from.

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