Diversity Data 2019

Diversity Data 2019

We must reiterate that, due to the voluntary nature of disclosure, not all of our personnel returned the survey and therefore their data cannot be reflected in the results set out below.

33% of our personnel completed the survey. The following percentages relate to those that completed the survey

Category of personnel:-
Solicitor (Partner) 7%
Solicitor (Non-Partner) 22%
Other fee earner 11%
Support role 37%
Other managerial role 15%
Prefer not to say 8%

Male 19%
Female 81%

Under 25 15%
25 to 34 19%
35 to 44 33%
45 to 54 7%
55 to 64 19%

Prefer not to say 7%

Having a disability 4%
Not having a disability 96%

White/Caribbean 3%
White 82%

Asian 15%




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