Clinical Negligence Victory for Miss L

Clinical Negligence Victory for Miss L

Clinical Negligence Victory for Miss L - £110,000 for delay in diagnosis of Cauda Equina Syndrome Miss L had longstanding back problems but began to suffer excruciating back pain, worse than ever before. In addition she started to experience urinary difficulties in that she either could not pass urine at all or found it a struggle to urinate. These problems progressed to the point that Miss L did not know she was urinating and she had become numb in the saddle/perineal area. She also suffered with numbness in her legs.

Despite presenting to numerous medical professionals with her symptoms she was discharged with no diagnosis. Importantly she was also given no warning about the ‘red flags’ for Cauda Equina Syndrome (a rare spinal condition where the nerves in the lower back suddenly become severely compressed) which if present warrant urgent attendance at Accident and Emergency for MRI scanning.

By the time Miss L was finally diagnosed with Cauda Equina Syndrome her condition had progressed significantly and unfortunately it was too late for many of her symptoms to be reversed. This was negligence on the part of the Defendant Trust who could and should have diagnosed the condition earlier.

Miss L was left with permanent sexual dysfunction and also ongoing urinary difficulties. These could have been prevented had there not been a failure in the care she received.

Expert evidence was obtained in favour of Miss L and the Defendant Trust eventually admitted liability. Miss L was awarded £110,000 for her injuries.

If you feel that you have been subjected to medical negligence, contact us today on 0161 665 3502.

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