Divorce and the Importance of a Finance Order

Divorce and the Importance of a Finance Order

The Family Court Statistics Quarterly published by the Government have shown a decrease in the number of people applying for financial remedies*. In April to June 2022, applications were down 31% compared to the same period in 2021. By comparison, during the same quarter, applications for divorce showed an increase of 22% compared to the 2021 statistics, which represents the highest number of divorce applications in a decade. 
Our family solicitor, Chloe Lines, explains that it is possible that this is as a result of the April 2022 reforms to divorce law and the introduction of the new procedure for obtaining a divorce. Under the new rules, the application process is much more accessible to individuals wishing to apply for divorce themselves without the need for solicitor involvement. However even if you make the divorce application yourself, it is important that the significance of obtaining a financial order is not overlooked. Chloe says that it is essential that as well as the divorce, you also obtain a financial order approved by the courts to sever the financial ties between yourself and your former spouse in order to prevent any future claims being brought by either party. Failing to obtain a financial order can leave you vulnerable to your former spouse making a claim against you at some point in the future, even if you have obtained your final order (formally decree absolute).  
The family team at Garratts are experienced in working with clients who wish to instruct us to handle both their divorce and finances applications but are also regularly instructed by clients who have applied for their divorce themselves and wish to utilise our services for the financial aspect of the divorce only. Speak to one of our family solicitors today on 0161 665 3502 about obtaining your financial order. 
* https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/family-court-statistics-quarterly-april-to-june-2022/family-court-statistics-quarterly-april-to-june-2022#divorce 

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